You sure?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure.
Captain, can I
see you a minute?
Wait a second. You didn't see him
pull the trigger?
- No.
- I can't hold him.
What do you mean
you can't hold him?
Let me tell you how
it's gonna go down.
This guy Kane, he heard shots.
He runs to the front
of the church. He sees
your brother lying there.
There's a gun.
He picks it up.
You burst through the doors.
He thinks you're the gunman.
Wait. He thinks
I'm the gunman?
Let me finish!
He thought you were the gunman
who was gonna come back
and kill him, so he ran.
That's if he admits he was in
the church in the first place. He hasn't.
The priest didn't see anything.
There's no corroborating witnesses.
There's no fingerprints
on the gun.
It's your word against his.
He's about to tell me that
the guy that shot my brother
is gonna get away.
He's the lawyer.
Would you excuse us?
I want to talk
to Kuffs alone.
He may be guilty, kid, but
guilt's what I can prove. I'm sorry.
The hospital just called.
Brad's dead.
Are you sure?
I pulled your brother's file.
He left you his district.
That means that you now own
the right, along with the police,
to protect and serve
the citizens of District 33.
And you have the right
to solicit funds for those services.
You own Brad's district.
You can do what you want with it...
rent it, lease it, sell it.
You don't have to tell me
right away, but soon.
I'm sorry.
He was a good man.