Thank you, Lee.
We're gonna die, Sam!
Oh, I scared you,
didn't I? [Cackles]
You're in big trouble, kid.
Sam, I gotta tell ya.
I was pretty set to quit
the business this morning.
Then your little buddy, Kane,
dropped by, offered me a bribe...
$25,000 to look the other way
while you tear up my district.
I asked for 50,000.
We settled on 37,500.
I think I did pretty good.
Capt. Morino, please.
It's Sam Jones.
It's an emergency.
Police? I'd better
talk fast, huh?
You're into a
land-grab scam, Sam.
Now, the problem is,
you're greedy!
You don't want to pay
top dollar, and people don't
actually want to sell to you.
So you use Kane and his hoods
to come in, shake everybody up...
and then you come in like
a savior with bags of money
and buy everything up!
See, I did a little
research on you.
You're a big shot
art collector,
a major player
on the charity circuit.
You're rich, so you think
you're above the law.
But you've made
two mistakes now, Sam.
Number one, you had Kane
kill my brother.
Number two, the land
you're grabbing happens
to be in my district.
And in my district, Sambo,
I am the law.
Capt. Morino, one of your
patrol specials...
just broke into my car
and is threatening me.
George Kuffs.
He wants to talk to you.
[Morino, Indistinct]
I don't think so.
[Hangs Up Receiver]
It's just you and me, Sam.
No corroborating witnesses.
Your word against mine.
Pull over right here, huh?
I'll walk the rest of the way.
I wish there were something
I could say, Mr. Kuffs,
to make you feel better
about yourself.
I guess you could tell me
you're gonna leave town
for 200 or 300 years.
That'd make me feel
a little better.
Thank you.