Beef jerky.
- Smart work you did in the library.
- It's my job.
Hey, Alan, don't forget
who left the gun there.
Good guy.
That's why he needs to eat, right?
Mr. Hui treats us like kids,
always at us to eat more.
I'm an old-timer. And I know
that respect and face are vital.
- I'm old-fashioned.
- It works, though. We respect you.
Alan, if I did something bad,
how would you treat me?
There's worse guys than you around.
It's just an idea.
Why not go and check out Hawaii?
You might like it.
Perhaps you could stay?
You could have a new home, maybe.
I was born in this place,
and I'll die here.
Alan, I've got responsibilities.
I can't just pack up and leave.
I thought you might like it.
Keep an eye on this little eel.
You can never trust him.
My apologies.
Here, nothing in my hands.
Mine are full.
What? What's up?
Johnny says he wants a word.
South America wants its arms.
We don't have them. What can we do?
Use another supplier.
If we can't get it together, who can?