Are you crazy?
How do you suggest we get out?
We're not leaving yet.
How's Tony doing?
Is his cover blown yet?
The whole operation
depends entirely on him.
I hope that mortuary's got good
''Feng Shui.'' May God keep him safe.
And Tequila's there!
Why don't you care about him?
He's in danger too!
That's favoritism!
You're always on his case!
It's obvious you don't
understand him one bit!
I didn't realize you still cared.
- What's the arrangement?
- I wait for his signal.
When I receive some roses,
we evacuate the patients.
Great idea, throw a tantrum.
Always opens doors.
You do it. Go on!
Why are you such a dickhead?
This isn't even your case.
I don't agree.
In my opinion, at this stage
it has everything to do with me.
If every cop was as self-important
as you, Hong Kong would be dead.