Lashou shentan

but she doesn't realize it.
You believe you can get
away from me?

Alan, I admired the hell
out of you.

I actually thought you were my friend,
but you betrayed me.

- And that makes me angry.
- Well, it won't get any better.

I'll kill you whenever I can.
I've been after you for ages.

Why did you choose a hospital?
You like killing innocent people?

I use them. I've got more hostages
than you've had hot dinners.

I've got a serious
arms cache down there.

If you make me cross, boy,
I'll detonate it, up it will go.

- Try it.
- I will. I can't wait to do it.

The next arsenal I have
will be in a police station.

That should be fun.
Hundreds of patients and staff
are being held prisoner here.

So far, the police
have not been able to--

- Don't do it.
- Shut up, bitch!

Unit number 3, tell them
to stop filming, no pictures.

The walls are like ice.
Must be the morgue in there.

Good. That's handy.
If we die,
they can just chuck us in.

It's just the two of us here.
Up there are hundreds of people
in trouble, so drop the self-pity.
