Lethal Weapon 3

-I have to listen to you bitch about them!

-Because you should've cut the red wire!
-I did cut the red wire!

What's this?
It's kind of soft...not a bulletproof vest.
It won't keep anything out.
It'll keep my stomach in.
What've you got under there?
It's a girdle.
It's a girdle!
Does Trish know?
It's not a woman's girdle.
It's a man's girdle!

-They make girdles for men?

-They do?
-Yeah, they do!

I haven't worn this uniform in 15 years!
-Cleaners must have shrunk it.
-You should take it to Chin.

I did take it to Chin. Look at it.
It shrunk all up in here.

I have to hold my breath.
Did you see that?
-See what?

Hold it right there, pal.
Step up here, please.

-Yes, you.

-What'd I do?
-Stand there.

Jaywalking. I saw you.
I'll have to cite you.

Jaywalking? Oh, Jesus, come on!
-Should I radio for backup?
-Smart-ass. Can you get the ticket book?

You're hassling me for...
Shut up!
-Do you know how to fill one of these out?
-A long time ago.

I can't read it. The print is too small
without my glasses.

Can we speed this up?
You may have nothing to do, but I do.

No, we can't, so will you shut up?
-Ask for his license.

-License, for jaywalking?

I don't have it on me. I wasn't driving.
I was walking.
Do I need a walking license now?

-Let's just shoot him!
-Is he crazy?

I'm going to drill him!
We'll make it look like suicide!

-Get out of the way!
-No, the video cameras!

I don't care! I'll drill him!
Get out of here, before he kills you!
-Go that way! Not that way!
-This way! Over here!


Wait a minute!
You forgot to sign!
