Lethal Weapon 3

I came to do business,
not to be insulted by you.

Relax, Tyrone.
Like houses, friendships need
strong foundations.

Smitty, come here. Come here.
What's wrong with you?
Don't I pay you good and take care of you?

-Sure you do.
-What about the stunt you and Billy pulled?

It was a good plan. It worked.
It worked? It didn't work.
You got nailed, first time out.
Nobody who works for me
goes into business for themselves.

Do you understand me?
See how that can jeopardize everything?

Especially trying to pop an armored car.
Okay, Billy got caught.
There's nothing I can do about that now.

He'll have to face the music on his own.
But you and me...
...we're gonna start over.
You know what I mean?
-Whatever you say.

Glad you understand
what I'm talking about.

Now we've got a relationship
we can build on.

-Employee problems. You know how it is?
-Yeah, right.

You invest time and energy
into training somebody.

Then, they get greedy and do something
stupid that jeopardizes everything.

It's a bitch!
Stick around. This is the good part.
We can put our initials in there.
Jesus Christ!
Lankershim and Vineland.
Where are we going?

Right here. Rianne's got a new job.
I promised her I'd stop by.

That's a good reason.
All right. Here we are.
-You got any silver, any change?
-We're cops.

That's right, we're cops. Not crooks.
I'll get change.

Get down! All of you!
