Charlie, where'd you get that number
that you hit on?
My grandma gave me that number
in my dreams: 3, 8, 4.
- You told me Sassy Frassy
gave it to you. - No, she quit me.
She's no good to me at all.
- What happened?
- I wouldn't buy hera diamond ring.
She had the indignation to call me,
of all people...
..'a cheap black son-of-a-bitch'!
- Sassy Frassy? - Where's homeboy?
- Little! -Yeah?
Your man's out here waiting on you.
Are you fixing to get
your hairfried?
You'll be hot like hell.
Don't be scared, son,
you're in the hands of an expert.
My hairwas just like yours.
Look what he did for me.
You're like Heckle and Jeckle!
Don't scare the man.
- Get his eyebrows shorter.
- Who's doing this?
- You all heard that.
- You heard that.
Tell me if it stings. This stuff
could burn a hole through you.
- Keep youreyes shut.
- I thought you said it would burn.
- It feels good, huh?
- Yeah, real good. - It's all right.
- You'll feel better in a minute.
- It stings a little now, Shorty.
- It's heating up.
- You're looking betterand better!
- Hold on.
- I am, but it's heating up.
- I've got to make it straight.
- Okay. - That's what he told me too.
- I've got to get this out now.
- Hold on.
- I'm holding! I'm holding!
- Good, hold on.
- Charlie, give me a hand.
- It's burning! - Hold him still!