A right cross to the jaw by Louis.
Another left cross!
He gives a strong uppercut
to Conn's head.
Louis hits a left and a right
to the jaw and Conn is down!
He's down!
Quiet, it's the countdown.
4, 5, 6, 7...
He's getting up!
9, 10!
The referee says it's all over.
- What the hell is going on?
- Nothing, Mr. Cooper.
- There are lots ofhungry customers.
- The soup is done. -Yes, Charlie.
My name is Mr. Cooper,
and don't forget it.
- Thug! - What's the matterwith
you? Do you want to get me fired?
- Mr. Cooper is good white folk.
- You are a young fool!
There'll never be
another one like that!
- Yeah! - He's got it!
- He's done it!
- And still the world's heavyweight
champion... -Joe Louis!
Ham and cheese here. I've got
coffee! Lemon meringue pie!
- Porter, give me a ham and cheese.
- Yes, sir.
- You're mighty pleased
with yourself. - I aim to please.
- I like you, boy.
- Thank you, sir.
- Keep the change.
- All right, sir.
New York, here I come!
I'm here!