I like your heart.
I like your style.
You just might do unless you have
to get back to yourtrain.
- I already told that man what he can
do with that train! -When? - Now.
All right, come with me.
I'm taking you shopping.
- Cadillac is the name.
- Sammy, man.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
One more button.
- You look good.
- Yes.
- But you're missing something.
Frisk me. - What? - Go ahead!
Nothing, right?
I'm still carrying it. This was
my first gun. Now it's yours.
- Thank you.
- You wear it...
..where it's up.
- Right! The small bit in the back.
Now you're outfitted.
- Are you ready to tackle
the streets? -Yeah, I'm ready.
Let us now turn to the Gospel
according to St. John.
Chapter three, verse 23.
- 3, 2, 3. - John also was baptizing
in Ennon near Salim...