We'll take it easy.
I've gota place fixed up for us.
We'll lay low for a while.
Don't you worry, I'll stake you.
I've got my band.
I'm blowing great sax.
You haven't even heard us play yet.
Like every hustler I was trapped.
Cats that hung together trying
to find security found nothing.
West Indian Archie might have been
a mathematical genius.
We were all victims
of the American social order.
Until that time there were three
things I was always afraid of...
..a job, a bust andjail.
I realized that I wasn't afraid
of anything, I was an animal.
You don't look too good.
We're going to rob this town blind.
Anybody want out, you say so now.
I set up the stake, all we need now
is a driver. Any suggestions?
- How about Rudy? - Yeah.
- Who's Rudy?
- I'm halfWop and half nigger,
I'm notafraid of nobody. - Good.
- What do you do?
- Name it, I claim it.
- He does catering to rich joints.
- All right.
- Tell him about baldy.
- Baldy? -Yeah!
He's a rich old motherfucker.
I give him a bath...
..I towel him off, put talcum powder
on him and put him to bed.
- He's like a baby.
- So, what about him?
The guy's got jewelry, a coin
collection, china, rugs...
- That might be all right.
- I know they're stolen.
Who is this guy?
Who put you in charge?
- You want to be in charge, Rudy?
- I am in charge. - The head nigger!
- Yeah, the head nigger in charge.
- The bighead nigger.
I'll tell you what we'll do.
I'm a fair man...