- Coming down! - Jackson!
- A231549! - Coming down!
Coming down!
- A23549!
- Coming down!
- Look at Satan.
- I see him.
- He's about to bust.
- He wouldn't give them the pleasure.
- State your number!
- Little! -What?
- Give him a break, Barnes.
- He's a new fish. -Okay.
- State your number.
- I forgot it.
- State it! - I forgot it.
- Read it right there, boy!
- Can't you read, boy?
- Fuck you!
I forgot it!
- I forgot it!
- Move!
Those fat bastards aren't going
to break me down.
I won't let anyone break me down.
I'm in this situation...
but I'm strong.
Time's up, Little.
Now, state your number.
Suit yourself. Ten more days.