As we won't be able
to count on your looks,
we'll have to work on...
-The spiritual aspect. .Tactics!
At least tell me why.
ls it the baby?
You got her pregnant?!
Nicky, l was wrong.
l was desperate.
l wanted to hurt you.
Now that l see you lying there
so pathetically, l forgive you.
l haven't introduced you.
This is my new boyfriend, Radosh.
-They call me Johnny.
You've lost weight without
my cooking. You look peakish.
He's scum! You've got to admit,
he's not too crazy about you.
We have to play dirty:
trap him with a baby.
l know it's not becoming for
modern and well-mannered girls.
We should be ashamed of ourselves,
shouldn't we? -We should.
We're ashamed!
This is the plan.