Don't do it.
-Of course l will. 5,6,7,8...
Let me carry her.
-Get lost!
She's a sure lay now,
knocked out like that.
l'm nothing but bad luck to him.
l wouldn't blame him
if he never saw me again.
Yes? Nikola!
-Be cool, ask what he wants.
Yes...Do l have any free time?
-Maybe next week.
Of course. Where are we going?
Be reasonable. lt doesn't hurt,
it's like going to the dentist.
We can be lovers, travel, have fun.
We're too young forthis.
Look at it like this.
Yourteeth will start falling out,
and you'll get really fat. Yuk!
Then there's cellulite,
stretch marks,
all kinds of complications.
What if it's a
Caesarean birth?
You'll have to wear a tie
to the beach all your life.
This is what happened
to a friend of mine at birth.