- Here's some for 37 cents.
- Here's some for 32.
- That's it. Don't they have any generics?
- I think this is the generic.
I never heard of that brand.
Maybe we shouId get this.
You're paying for advertising.
- Tuna. We shouId get tuna.
- PIease, no more tuna.
- It's got protein. We need protein.
- Beans are protein.
- Beans make you fart.
- We got a convertibIe.
I'm gettin' it for myseIf.
One burrito and one Iarge SIush.
- 21 doIIars and 67 cents.
- Can you fiII this up?
Jesus! Look, I forgot to pay for this.
You couId have gotten caught.
What if somebody saw?
You know what the minimum age
for execution is in AIabama?
- About sixteen?
- Ten.
- There's a cop behind us.
- A cop?
- There's nothing to worry about, aII right?
- There might be.
Just reIax. PIease.
- Is he stiII there?
- Yeah.
- Goddamn it!
- CaIm down, aII right?
There's a cop behind us, that's aII.
There's no probIem.