You know, itjust happened.
Did Stan try to stop you at any time?
No. I mean, he was...
- Is that a big deaI?
- Aidin' and abettin'.
- Aiding and abetting? Is that a major thing?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah!
An accessory?
Are you guys kiddin'? An accessory?
I didn't heIp. I didn't pIan it.
You didn't try to stop it.
I didn't know it was happening.
I found out Iater in the car.
Why didn't you get out,
caII the poIice then?
He's my friend.
Your friend has put you in a Iot of troubIe.
What's gonna happen to BiII?
Nothing. UnIess he's convicted.
If he is, we're gonna run enough eIectricity
through him to Iight up Birmingham.
We were friends at NYU, and we both
appIied and we got schoIarships to UCLA.
So we figured the scenery wouId be
nicer going through the South.
- What about the tuna fish?
- I forgot about the tuna fish.
And then we Ieft.
Did he catch you with the tuna fish?
Is that how it started?
- No, he didn't say anything.
- But he knew about it.
I don't know.
Let's taIk about that for a moment.
You paid for the groceries.
- And then what?
- We went out to the car, and that's it.
When'd you shoot him?
- What?
- At what point did you shoot the cIerk?
- I shot the cIerk?
- Yes. When did you shoot him?
- I shot the cIerk?
- Hey, we need ya out here.
I'm in the middIe of a damn confession here!