Let me ask you, how do you
get mud into the tyres?
That's a figure of speech.
The mud gets around the inside of the wheeI.
- Throws the baIance off.
- Did you ever hear that? Mud in the tyres?
She never heard it.
She knows everything about cars.
See, down here, everybody gets stuck
in the mud every now and then.
- Yeah. We're famous for our mud.
- Famous for your mud?
How's your Chinese food?
You keep on askin' about that. Can't you
teII they don't have Chinese restaurants?
Gotta Iet everybody know
you're a tourist. Come on.
And you're a fuckin' worId traveIIer(?)
OurjaiI was condemned this morning.
That's why we bringin' you aII
out to the state corrections faciIity.
UnIock the gate!
Go on through.
(prisoners cheer and whistle)