You graduated six years ago.
What have you been doin'?
Studyin', for the bar.
- Six years?
- Mm-hm.
- That's a Iot of studying.
- WeII, to be honest with you,...
..I, uh... I didn't pass my first time out.
- That's OK. You passed the second time?
- I'm afraid not.
- Three times a charm?
- Not for me it isn't.
No. For me, six times was a charm.
Six times.
(man clears throat)
- A IittIe informaI, aren't we?
- I was resting...
- Not wearing a coat or tie.
- Oh. Sorry.
WeII, approving an attorney from
out of state is a pretty informaI matter.
- I just have a few questions.
- OK. Fire away, Judge.
- Where'd you go to Iaw schooI?
- BrookIyn Academy of Law.
- Is that an accredited Iaw schooI?
- Uh...
Oh. Yes.
- How Iong you been practising?
- Ooh, about six, uh...
AImost sixteen years.
- Any murder cases?
- Quite a few. Yes.
What was the outcome?
Um, you know. Win some, Iose some.
This is not the forum to be cavaIier.
Oh, of course. Now, Iet me see.