- Vinny.
- Hey.
AII rise for His Honour
Judge ChamberIain HaIIer.
The court of Beechum County
is now in session.
Be seated.
First case. The people of the State
of Alabama versus William Robert Gambini...
..and Stanley Marcus Rothenstein.
- ''Steen.'' She caIIed me ''Stine''.
- Just...
CounseIIor, your cIients are charged with
first-degree murder. How do they pIead?
- Your Honour, my cIients...
- Don't taIk to me sitting in that chair.
- But he toId me to sit here.
- When you address this court, you wiII rise...
..and speak to me in a cIear, inteIIigibIe voice.
- Sorry. My cIients...
- What are you wearin'?
- What are you wearin'?
- I'm, uh, wearin', uh... cIothes.
I don't get the question.
When you come into my court
Iooking Iike you do,...
..you not onIy insuIt me,
but you insuIt the integrity of this court.
I apoIogise, sir, but this is how I dress.
Next time you come into my courtroom,
you wiII Iook Iawyer-Iy.
I mean, you comb your hair
and wear a suit and tie.
And that suit better be made
outta some kind of... cIoth.