My Cousin Vinny

They're gonna nuke
this guy Norton this weekend.

Looks Iike it.
You got one huge responsibiIity,
taking on this murder case.

You screw up and those boys get fried.
I know.
- So you think you know what you're doin'?
- Yeah, I think I know what I'm doin'.

You didn't Iook Iike you knew what you were
doin' today in that courtroom. Why is that?

WeII, it's a Iot of procedure,
that's aII. I'II Iearn it as I go.

- Learn as you go?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Didn't they teach that in Iaw schooI?
- No, they didn't.

They teach you contracts,
precedence, interpretations.

Then the firm that hires you,
they teach you procedures.

- Or you can go to court and watch.
- So why don't you go to court and watch?

Because, between your father's garage and
working nights, when was I supposed to go?

I thought this summer I wouId
take off a coupIe of months.

But it ain't no big deaI.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.

How can you be so sure when you don't
know what it is you're supposed to know?

It's a procedure. Like rebuiIding
a carburettor has a procedure.

You know how the first thing you do is
you take the carburettor off the manifoId?

Suppose you skip the first step, and as you're
repIacing one of the jets, you drop the jet.

It goes down, roIIs aIong the manifoId
and into the head. You're fucked.

You've Iearned the hard way that
you gotta remove the carburettor first.

That's what happened to me today.
I Iearned the hard way.

ActuaIIy, it was a good
Iearning experience for me.

AII right. WeII, is there any way I couId
heIp out in this procedure situation?

Yeah. Keep baiIing me out.
We can't afford to keep baiIing you out.
I've cashed in haIf the traveIIer's cheques.

I didn't wanna cash 'em in,
but I didn't wanna bounce a cheque.

I tried hustIing the money,
but I got stiffed, so I cashed...
