My Cousin Vinny

- If you kicked the shit outta me?
- Yeah.

Yeah, then you get the money.
- What happened? Rear-ended?
- No, I feII.

OK. Let's see if we agree on the terms.
The choice now is I get my ass kicked...
..or, option B, I kick your ass
and coIIect the 200.

I'm going with option B.
Kicking your ass and coIIecting $200.

- Are we gonna fight now?
- Yeah. First, Iet me see the money.

- I have the money.
- AII right. Let me see it. Show it to me.

- I can get it.
- You can get it?

AII right. Get it.
And then we'II fight.
You feII in your pIace or somebody eIse's?
- My pIace.
- Shit.

He bIew the arraignment!
It's a simpIe procedure.

You heard the judge. AII he had
to do was say ''guiIty'' or ''not guiIty''.

So? What are you saying?
What am I saying? You saw what happened
in there. You wanna stay with him after that?

Shit, Stan. I don't wanna fire him.
He's famiIy. And my mother,
the way her heaIth is right now...

I appreciate that. But shouId you die for that?
WouIdn't your mother
be more upset if you die?

The thing is, given the chance,
I think he couId do a good job.

- No, you're wrong.
- Come on, feIIas, knock it off. Let's go.

Stan, Iisten.
You have to see the Gambinis in action.

These peopIe, they Iove to argue.
I mean, they live to argue.

My parents argue, too -
that doesn't make them Iawyers.

Stan, I've seen your parents argue.
Trust me, they're amateurs.

(water drips)
