- Is that a drip I hear?
- (water drips)
Weren't you the Iast one
to use the bathroom?
- Did you use the faucet?
- Yeah.
- Then why didn't you turn it off?
- I did turn it off.
WeII, if you turned it off,
why am I Iistening to it?
Did it occur to you it couId be
turned off and drip at the same time?
No. If you turned it off, it wouIdn't drip.
- Maybe it's broken.
- Is that what you're saying? It's broken?
Yeah, that's it. It's broken.
- You sure?
- I'm positive.
- Maybe you didn't twist it hard enough?
- I twisted itjust right.
How couId you be so sure?
If you wiII Iook in the manuaI, you wiII
see that this particuIar modeI faucet...
..requires a range of 10 to 16
foot-pounds of torque.
I routineIy twist to
maximum-aIIowabIe torquage.
How couId you be sure
you used 16 foot-pounds of torque?
Because I used a Craftsman modeI 1019
Iaboratory edition...
..Signature Series torque wrench.
The kind used by CaItech
high-energy physicists...
..and NASA engineers.
WeII, in that case, how couId
you be sure that's accurate?
Because a spIit second before the torque
wrench was appIied to the faucet handIe,...
..it had been caIibrated by top members...
..of the state and federaI
department of weights and measures...
..to be dead-on baIIs accurate.
Here's a certificate of vaIidation.
Dead-on baIIs accurate?
It's an industry term.
I guess the fucking thing is broken.