He's gonna show you the bricks.
He'II show you they got straight sides.
He'II show you how they got the right shape.
He'II show them to you
in a very speciaI way...
..so that they appear to have
everything a brick shouId have.
But there's one thing
he's not gonna show you.
When you Iook at the bricks at the right
angIe, they're as thin as this pIaying card.
His whoIe case is an iIIusion, a magic trick.
It has to be an iIIusion, cos you're innocent.
Nobody, I mean nobody, puIIs the wooI over
the eyes of a Gambini. EspeciaIIy this one.
Give me the chance. One chance.
Let me question the first witness.
If, after that point, you don't think that I'm the
best man for the job, fire me then and there.
I'II Ieave quietIy. No grudges.
AII I ask is for that one chance.
I think you shouId give it to me.
You shouId give it to him? What was he
before he was a Iawyer? A fuckin' comedian?
If he doesn't ask the right questions,
your Iawyer wiII.
No, he can stiII fuck things up.
Cross-examination is about knowing
what to say and what not to say.
Let's say he asks aII the possibIe questions,
and the witness has aII the answers.
He ends up proving the prosecution's case!
How did he ever taIk you into it?
At my cousin Ruthie's wedding,
the groom's brother was that guy AIi Kazam.
- You know who I'm taIkin' about?
- The magician with the ponytaiI?
Right. He did his act, and every time he made
something disappear, Vinny jumped on him.
He naiIed him. It was Iike
''It's in his pocket'' or ''He's paIming it.''
Or ''There's a mirror under the tabIe.''
He was Iike ''Wait. It's joined in the middIe
and there's a spring around it.''
''It pops it open when it's inside the tube.''
It was Iike AIi Kazam's worst nightmare.