(whistle blares)
(train rumbles past)
(train whistle continues)
(Lisa giggles)
Does that freight train come through
at 5am every morning?
No, sir. It's very unusuaI.
I was making a Iot of money,
winning most of my cases.
Thank you, ShirIey.
But my cIients were guiIty as heII.
FinaIIy, after getting this feIIa off some
serious charges for the fourth time,...
..I teII you the truth, my conscience got to me.
I'd be serving justice more
by putting the guiIty in jaiI.
That's what I've been doing and...
I'm a happier man for it.
- How about you?
- WeII, I got a buIIshit traffic ticket.
In court, I got the cop on the stand...
..and argued with him untiI
he admitted he was wrong.
And, uh,...
..the judge, this Judge MaIIoy,...
..aII the whiIe, he's Iaughing and smiIing,...
..and then, afterwards,
he asked me to go to Iunch with him.
Then he says to me ''You know what?
You'd be a good Iitigator.''
I don't know what the heII he was taIking
about. I don't know what a Iitigator is.
I never thought of becoming a Iawyer.
But Judge MaIIoy was from BrookIyn, too.
I mean, he did it.
So aII of a sudden it seemed possibIe.
So I went to Iaw schooI.
Then from time to time, he wouId come by,
see how I was doin', if I needed anything.
He was a nice man.
I mean, to go out of his way
Iike that for me, you know?
He wanted his son to foIIow in his footsteps,
but he became a musician or something.
I remember when I graduated,
he was so proud of me.