That's quite a story.
- We got some case ahead of us here, huh?
- Oh, yeah.
- How do you feeI about it?
- Oh, weII, I...
I'd Iike to have a murder weapon.
But, other than that, I feeI pretty good.
- You do?
- Oh, yeah.
What you doin' this afternoon?
- You're goin' hunting?
- That's right.
Why are you goin' hunting?
ShouIdn't you be preparing for court?
I was thinkin' Iast night ''If onIy
I knew what he knows.'' You know?
If he'd Iet me Iook at his fiIes. Oh, boy!
I don't get it. What does getting to
Trotter's fiIes have to do with hunting?
WeII, you know. Two guys
out in the woods, guns, on the hunt.
It's a bonding thing, you know.
Show him I'm one of the boys.
He won't Iet me see his fiIes, but maybe
he'II reIax enough to drop his guard...
..so that I can finesse
a IittIe information out of him.
- What am I gonna wear?
- What are you gonna hunt?
I don't know. He's got a Iot
of stuffed heads in his office.
Heads?! What kind of heads?
I don't know. He's got a boar,
a bear, a coupIe of deer.
Whoa! You're gonna shoot a deer?
I don't know. I suppose. I mean, I'm
a man's man. I couId go deer hunting.
A sweet, innocent, harmIess,
Ieaf-eating, doe-eyed IittIe deer.
Hey, Lisa. I'm not gonna go out
there just to wimp out, you know?
I mean, the guy'II Iose respect for me.
WouId you rather have that?!
What about these pants I got on?
You think they're OK?
Imagine you're a deer.
You're prancing aIong. You get thirsty.
You spot a IittIe brook.
You put your IittIe deer Iips
down to the cooI, cIear water.
Bam! A fuckin' buIIet rips off
part of your head.