I take the newspaper.
I leave the sardines.
A weight off your mind,
a load off your stomach.
- And off I go at last.
- Leaving the receiver.
My housekeeper, yes, but...
And noises off. Stage!
This is her afternoon off,
so we've got the place to ourselves.
- Wow!
- I'll just check.
Hello? Anyone at home?
There's no one here.
- What do you think?
- Great! It's all yours?
Just a shack in the woods.
Converted mill, 1 6th century.
- Must have cost a bomb.
- Ideal for business.
Someone's coming at 4.00. Arab. Oil.
I've got to get those files
to Basingstoke by 4.00.
We'll just manage to fit it in...
Do it...
- Right.
- We won't chill the champagne.
- All these doors!
-Just a handful.
Study, kitchen
and housekeeper's flat.
Which one's the...you know?
- Oh, through here.
- Fantastic!
Now I've lost the sardines.
- I thought no one was here.
- I'm not. Only it's the Royal...
The race where they wear those hats.
Who are you?
From Squire, Squire,
Hackham and Dudley.
- Which one are you, then?
- I'm Tramplemain.
I thought you were a burglar.
I just dropped in
to go into a few things...
Check some measurements...
Do one or two odd jobs.
Oh, and I've got a prospective tenant.
- What's wrong with this door?
- Her interest is aroused.
That's not the bedroom.
No, that's the downstairs bathroom
and WC.
- The housekeeper, Mrs Crockett.
- Clackett, dear.