"Yes, but I could hear voices."
- Yes, but I could hear voices.
- What voices?
- People's!
- No one's here.
- I saw the door handle move.
- Must you put your tie on to look?
Mrs Clockett.
She's been here for generations.
- Look, she's opened our sardines.
- You can't go down like that.
- Why not?
- Mrs Crackett. She's irreplaceable.
Sardines here, sardines there!
It's like a Sunday school outing.
- You still poking around?
- Yes, still poking. Still around.
- In the linen closet?
- No, no!
Yes, just checking the sheets,
going through the inventory.
- Mrs Blackett...
- Clackett.
Is there anyone else in the house?
- No one.
- I thought I heard voices.
- No voices here.
- I must have imagined it.
- Oh, my God!
- I beg your pardon!
- Oh, my God!
- Why? What is it?
Oh, my God! The study door's open.
Oh, my God!
There's another car outside.
That's not Mr Hackham's, is it?
Nothing but flapping doors
in this house.
Final notice, steps will be taken,
foreclosure, proceedings in court...
- A gentleman come about the house.
- I'm not here.
- He's got a lady quite aroused.
- Leave it to the agents.
Shall I let them go all over?
Anything, but don't tell anyone
we're here.
I'll just sit down and...
Sardines! I've forgotten the sardines.
If it wasn't fixed to my shoulders,
I'd forget what day it was.
I didn't get this. I'm in Spain.
If I didn't get it, I didn't open it.
Did I have a dress like this?
I shouldn't buy anything this tarty.
- Did you give me it?
- Never should have touched it!
Stick it down! Never saw it!