Of Mice and Men

l wrote Murray and Ready...
for two men to work this morning.

Where's your work slips?
ls my slip in there?
lt wasn't Murray and Ready's fault.
Says right here you were supposed
to be ready to work this morning.

Bus driver lied to us.
We had to walk ten miles.

l don't give a damn about that.
- What's your name?
- George Milton.

- What's yours?
- His name's Lennie Small.

- Where you boys been working?
- Up around Weed.

- What about you?
- Yeah, him too.

He's not much of a talker, is he?
No, no, he ain't. But he's a hell
of a good worker. He's strong as a bull.

Strong as a bull?
Uh, he can do anything
you tell him. He's a..

He's a good skinner. He can wrestle
grain bags, drive a cultivator.

Cultivator. Ah, but...
l ain't sayin' he's bright - he ain't.
But he's a... he's a damn good worker.
Say... what you selling?
What's your stake in this guy?
Are you taking his pay from him?
Hell, no.
He's my cousin.
l told his old lady l'd take care of him.

He got kicked in the head
by a horse when he was a kid.
