Can l help?
l'm looking for Crooks.
This mule's got a hurt foot.
He ain't here.
Nobody's here but me.
And now you.
l feel so lazy today.
You feel lazy?
l could take a nap right here.
lt's nice and cool here in the barn,
and quiet.
Everybody out in the fields
working in the hot sun.
Here we are in a cool barn.
l got a hurt foot too.
l got mad at Curley last night, kicked at
him and missed - kicked a chair instead.
Let go of that old mule and talk to me.
Are you from far away?
Pretty far.
How far is far away?
What's the town you came from?
You wouldn't know it if l told you.
You got a sweetheart back there?
Did you ever have a sweetheart?