''Dear Editor, l read your magazine
for six years. lt's the best in the market.''
''l like stories by Peter Rand.''
- What you want me to read that for?
- Go on. Read the name at the bottom.
- ''Yours for success, William Tanner.''
- You met Bill Tanner?
Yeah. Bald-headed guy,
drove a cultivator.
That's him.
Candy, if you want me to, l'll put
that old dog out of his misery right now.
Won't hurt him at all.
- Let's wait till tomorrow.
- l don't see why. Let's get it over with.
We can't sleep
with that stinking dog in here.
All right.
Take him.
Come on, boy. Come on.
He won't even feel it.
Come on, boy. Come on.
- Get a shovel.
- Yeah.
You can have any one
of them pups you want.