You ain't got no right
to come into my room.
Ain't nobody got a right
to be in here but me.
- l... l seen your light.
- Yeah, well, l got a right to have a light.
Now, l ain't wanted in those bunkhouses
and you ain't wanted in my room.
- Why ain't you wanted?
- Because l'm black.
They say l stink. Well, l'll tell you,
all of y'all stink to me.
Everybody went into town.
- Well, what you want?
- Nothing. l see... l...
l seen your light.
Well, come on in and sit awhile if you
won't get out of here and leave me alone.
Goddamn your soul.
All the boys go into town?
All but old Candy. He just sat in
the bunkhouse, figuring about the rabbits.
What rabbits you talkin' about?
The rabbits we're gonna get,
and l get to tend 'em.
You're nuts. You're crazy as a wedge.
l don't blame that guy you travel with
for keeping you out of sight.
No, every word is the truth.
You can ask George.
You travel around with George, don't you?
Sure. Me and George
go everywhere together.
And sometimes he talk to you
and you don't understand
what the hell he's talking about.
Ain't that so?
How long do you think it's gonna be
before them puppies are old enough
to take away from its mother?