Oh, nuts.
What kinda harm am l doing to you?
l tell ya, l ain't used to living like this.
l could've made something outta myself.
Maybe l will yet.
A show come through Salinas,
and l met one of the actors.
He says l could go with the show.
My old lady wouldn't let me,
but this guy says l coulda.
lf l went, l wouldn't be
living like this. You bet.
Say, we were supposed to get
a little place and then get rabbits.
Another time, l met a guy -
he was in the pictures.
Went out to the
Riverside Dance Palace with him.
He says he was gonna put me
in the movies.
He says l was a natural.
As soon as he got back to Hollywood
he was gonna write to me about it.
l never did get that letter.
l always thought my old lady stole it, too.
She said no.
So, um... l married Curley.
Met him out at the Riverside Dance Palace
that same night.
- Are you listenin'?
- Sure.
l ain't told this to nobody before.
And maybe l oughtn't to.
l don't like Curley.
He ain't a nice fella.