Of Mice and Men

l could've been in the movies.
Had nice clothes.
This guy said l was a natural.
Maybe if you took this pup
and you throwed him away,

then George would never know and l'd
get to tend them rabbits with no trouble.

What makes you so nuts about rabbits?
l like to pet nice things
with the fingers. Soft things.

Well, who don't? Everybody likes that.
Do you like to feel velvet?
You bet, by God.
l had me some too. The lady
give me some and then l lost it.

You're nuts.
But you're kinda a nice fella.
Just like a big baby.
Sometimes when l'm doing my hair,
l just sit and stroke it cos it's so soft.

Feel right here.
That's nice.
Like it, don't ya?
l like it too. lt feels nice.
That's nice.
That's nice.
Don't mess it up.
Look out now. You'll mess it up.
