Come quick. Come quick. Come on.
Come on, come on, come on!
- What the hell's going on, Candy?
- Let's go see.
Come on.
Move it.
She ain't moving.
l know who done it.
That little son of a bitch done it.
l'm gonna get him.
l'm gonna get my rifle and l'm gonna
kill that son of a bitch myself.
- l'll get my gun.
- l'll go with you.
Tom, let's get the horses.
l guess Lennie done it, all right. Her...
Her neck's bust.
Lennie could've done that?
- Well, l guess we gotta get him.
- Couldn't you bring him in...
and... and lock him up?
He's nuts. He never done this to be mean.
lf we could keep Curley in, we might.
But Curley's gonna wanna shoot him.
And suppose they lock him up and strap
him down and put him in a cage?
That ain't no good, George.
Come on, men. Let's get a move on it.
That bastard stole my gun.
lt ain't in my bunk.
Nigger's got a shotgun. Take his.
Curley, maybe you'd better
stay here with your wife.
Oh, no, goddamnit.