Anything on that tape?
Some background voices.
How did you ID this Ray Malcolm?
A neighbour recognised
Ray's car parked out front.
Did they see him?
She did see a black guy with glasses
come out, get in Ray's car and split.
Didn't know Ray's last name. Said he was
staying with some dopers. We checked.
You separated it?
Not yet. Is that Ray's package?
So who's this black guy?
They call him Pluto.
He's been hanging with Ray
the last couple of weeks.
I'd say he's from out of town.
Pluto? That's it?
For now.
Who's the girl?
Good-looking. Ray's old lady.
Listen to this.
Hey, girl. I thoughtyou were going
to Star City tonight.
Bobby, look who's here.
Sounds like she said,
"I thought you're going to...." what?
It sounds like,
"I thought you were going to Star City."
Then the other girl says something.
Play it again.
Hey, girl.
-I thoughtyou were going to Star City.
-I am tonight.
It is Star City.
"I thought you were going to Star City."
Dud, check this out.
A robbery arrest from '79.
In case of emergency, notify....
"Jeremiah Malcolm. Relationship: Uncle.