I'm on a case here. Unless he's trying
to kill her, I don't have time.
She said he's trying to kill her.
I'mjustletting you know.
Okay, 10-4.
Hop in. We have to make a little stop
before we go to the Malcolm place.
Open this door!
Goddamn it! Lureen!
Harlan! Goddamn it.
-Settle down, Harlan!
-Let go!
Harlan, goddamn it!
You calm down now. Calm down.
Do you want to take a ride with me?
-Settle down.
-He was out all night drinking.
Who are those men?
It's okay.
She locked me out of the kitchen.
I understand.
You were out all night drinking.
You knew she was going to do this,
didn't you?
If you apologise, she may let you in.
He knows I will.
We'll go to church, he'll feel better.
All right, Lureen.
-You won't let them take him away?
-They're with me. They're from L.A.
Get up. Pull yourself together, okay?
Come on.
Come on. Get up.
Now come here.
Do me a favour.
Put this axe back in the shed.
All right?
I don't want to have to come back
out here. Are you okay?
I'm okay.