Perfect hideout.
-Is the old man there?
-I wonder who else is there.
-He's by himself.
Dale, wait a minute.
It's okay, boys. Come on.
How you doing?
You okay?
-I said, "You okay?"
-I'm doing okay.
That's good.
I'm Chief Dixon.
I'm fixing to do what?
I'm Chief Dixon.
I'm fixing to feed the chickens
before it gets too damn hot.
Have you heard from your nephew lately?
Have you heard from Ray Malcolm?
He's my brother's boy.
I heard of my own kin.
Has he talked to you lately?
When was the last time you talked to him?
-Talked to who?
-Ray Malcolm.
Ray is my brother's boy.
I got to finish feeding these chickens.
It gets hot around here at noontime.
I hope you and them chickens
have a goddamn heatstroke.
Can I help you boys?