l'd like to fly out a couple days early.
have a brief vacation...
...before l introduce you as...
...our new vice-president.
That is assuming you still want the job.
l'll drink to that.
When you meet this board of directors.
you should think of something really...
...you know. impressive to say
to start things off.
Maybe l'll ask them to fire you.
Actually. this isn't a good time
to start with new plans.
Just be yourself: dignified and charming.
Sorry. sir. You'll have to go back through.
Are you carrying any metal objects?
Ever notice how the real suspicious ones
never have trouble?
Right. That's how they get on the plane.
Oh. man.
Sorry. l'm gonna have to check you myself.
lt's that metal plate in his head.
An old war wound.
You can go with your friend now.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Real quick. How do you do that?
Before you get on the plane.
how do you do that?
-lt's a black thing.
-l understand black things.
That's what l admire about you.
Though you were being hit on
by an absolutely beautiful woman...
...you are determined to maintain
your vow of chastity.
You'd make a hell of a Republican.
lt is not necessary for you
to walk me to the plane.
lt's the least l can do. We're brothers.
Have a nice flight.
l have no idea why l am so nice to you.
Look. you got me here.
Are you satisfied? Now go.
Come on. man.
Don't give me that sad-ass puppy look.
l'm not giving you that.
l'm giving you the grateful...
...deeply moved. ltalian-American.
religiously inspired look. okay?