On the left. Thanks.
Norman. it is not polite to stare.
May l take your coat. sir? Thank you.
Any truth to the rumor that men in L.A.
actually talk without cue cards?
They talk a lot. but whether or not
they say anything is another matter.
-l take it this is your first trip to L.A.?
-lt is.
l'm Sabrina Ritchie. How do you do?
Marti Slayton.
Sabrina is a beautiful name.
'Tis a thing most wondrous
to be flattered by one of your peers.
l love the accent. too.
Between us.
l've been trying to lose it for years.
Makes me sound cold and heartless.
Now that you mention it....
Always trust your first impression.
l have a feeling
this'll be a very interesting flight.
l certainly hope so.
You taken the head count yet?
My fingers are beginning
to point as we speak.
Champagne. madam?
Behave yourself.
You won't get toys in prison.