l'll send it right up.
l just loved it when you told off Madonna.
Who is she to tell you
how to wear your hair?
Excuse me. l have to go to the bathroom.
l'll probably be in there a long time.
Oh. l'm that way. too.
l don't need this.
l don't need this at all.
Do you know the time?
Why? You got someplace you got to go?
How do you like your sirloin. sir?
Everybody. sit down!
Be quiet and you won't get hurt!
Who's in charge?
l am.
Once again. Who's in charge?
You are.
Quiet! Quiet! Sit your ass down!
Sit down!
What the hell's that?
Sit down. shut up or be killed!
Your choice.
Ladies and gentlemen...
...I'm afraid your in-flight entertainment
program has been cancelled.
The weapons being carried
by my staff are real.
So is their desire to use them...