Give me a knife or a screwdriver.
l think we should do exactly
what Mr. Rane wants.
Come on!
You got to go.
See if you can find something
to tie him up with.
Notify the feds and radar.
Don't let the plane out of sight!
Let me know the minute
you contact the pilot.
Notify ATC about our situation.
l want a complete passenger list.
l want it five minutes ago! Get to work!
-So what's the plan?
-Go to the avionics compartment.
Then l can override the controls
and bring the plane down.
What?! This is a jumbo jet!
l know it. But we don't have any choice.
Correct me if l'm wrong.
but wasn't it you who said...
...to do exactly what the terrorists said?
He's not just a terrorist.
-How you gonna bring the plane down?
-l'll empty the fuel.
Are you out of your mind?
We could all crash!