Mr. Delvecchio.
l've got Mr. Ramsey on the line.
l guess we can't tell him l stepped out.
now. can we?
Put him through.
I just had an idea about how to use Cutter.
lf this works you're to tell the press...
...we had a security agent on the plane
as part of our anti-terrorist plan.
lf it doesn't work out.
don't tell them about Cutter.
l'll handle that. Understand?
Do you understand?
Yes. sir.
Yes. sir.
l had such wonderful plans for us.
lf she disobeys. kill her.
Let me go!
On the ground! Face down! Do it. now!
l'm security for the airlines.
Yeah. and l'm governor of Louisiana!
Get your ass on the ground.
l already am on the ground. asshole.
You're making a mistake.
l'm John Cutter. l'm airline security.
The plane's been hijacked.
-Get the door.
-Damn it!
The people on the plane are hostages.
Those people are hostages!