Patriot Games

- Oh, damn. I forgot.
- What?

Where's my bag?
Please don't make me wear a rubber.
The Church says it's a sin, darling.

So is this! Darling!
So, what can you tell me about ...
this guy?

Sean? He's a nice boy ... Sean Miller.
Shot a parish priest in Derry.

During confession.
He thought the Father was informing.

Excuse me, it's not in Mr. Ryan's
best interests or the prosecution's -

- to discuss matters
not related to the events at hand.

If you confirm that the man in the photo
is the one you disarmed in the square -

- I think we'll be through.
I can't.
You have anything to add, Mr. Ryan?
Yes, the man I killed was Miller's...
- Brother.

Patrick. Not even 17, "Paddy Boy".
Recruited by Sean into the IRA.

The idea is to preserve the
clarity of your eventual testimony.
