- Thank you.
- I am eternally indebted to you.
Thanks for the kind note.
I'm delighted you're here to share
the good news, Mrs. Ryan.
Her Majesty's decided to invest
your husband K.C.V.O -
- Knight Commander
of the Victorian Order.
My congratulations, sir.
Good luck today.
- "Sir Jack"?
- Lady Catherine.
If I'd had more time to think,
I might have done something else.
- You're saying you didn't have time.
- That's correct.
- So, you didn't...
- Didn't what?
Think so. You didn't think
is the point you're trying to make.
No, instead you raced into
a situation of which -
- by your own admission,
you had no understanding -
- attacked my client, who was, in fact,
another pedestrian hurrying to help...
In a ski mask?
..shot a 2nd man in the chest
this one taking you?
After they shot me!
Three shots point blank to
kill the 2nd victim.
I used that force I deemed necessary.
I should say so.
I doubt whether anyone
in this court would disagree.
- Excuse me, I didn't cause this, sir.
- No further questions.
- He did!
- My Lord, there is one more question.
Are you still, Dr. Ryan,
in the paid service of the CIA?