Patriot Games

Wanna come look over what we got?
You might turn up something new.

You're asking me
if I want to come back.

- We'll go next week, honey.
- All right.

Sorry, Sean Miller escaped.
What does that mean?
They wanted me to know... thought
I might be concerned. I'm not!

The IRA's not stupid.
They won't follow me over here.

They agree. They're gone. That's it.
They didn't ask you
to come back to CIA?

I said no.
Just like that.
I don't wanna go back, honey.
- I saw them coming and I just...
- I know.

I can't go back to that life again,
you know.

Sally, wait up, honey.
I bet your cell was better than this.
Bloody Ritz in comparison.

At least you had your own toilet.
Cheer up. You've just been
spared from hell on earth.

- A word of gratitude might be in order.
- I don't feel like resting.

Laying about
like a complacent tourist.

To build an army, we've got to train like
soldiers. We can't do that in Ireland.
