- Bleedin' waste of time.
- There's laying about and laying low.
- There's a difference.
- Is there?
Lord Holmes
should worry about complacency.
Next time he won't be so lucky.
Post him back to Whitehall in bits -
- if that's what frees Irish prisoners.
That's not what I'm thinking of.
What Ryan has done can't be undone.
Stop thinking about it.
I can't.
How could this have happened?
Highland picked the day, the decoy
routes, his men, and still they knew.
- He had two children, apparently.
- Tragic!
31 people knew your itinerary the day
of your attack and of Miller's transfer -
- five of whom are now dead.
I suggest limiting your appointments.
I will not have my itinerary
dictated to me by terrorists.
The traitor had better
pray to God I never find him.
We know you'll do
your best, Sergeant.
- We don't know if we're coming home.
- We don't know if we're coming home.
- Stand, buckle up, shuffle to the door.
- Stand, buckle up, shuffle to the door.
Jump right out
and shout Marine Corps!
Egesta appealed to Athens
on what basis? On what grounds?