Mr. Biederman...
Bad time for you?
Well... they said they'd be grateful.
Didn't they?
"Fight our battle.
The world will fear and respect you."
- Didn't the world fear Athens already?
- Didn't matter.
- Why not?
- Pride, sir.
That's the real battle they lost.
Attention on deck!
Attention to orders.
I've a presentation to make -
- for service above and beyond the call
of duty of a tourist. Even a marine.
We recognize Professor John Ryan
with the Order of the Purple Target.
And hope that he will duck next time
lest he become part of history -
- rather than a teacher of it.
- How old is he?
- Ten.
- Plate glass window?
- Yes.
- Here we go... Hi, guys!
- Morning, Catherine.
I've got a retina at 1:00. We might have
to bump it. This could take some time.
- Yep, let's bump it.
- We're all set.
OK, let's do it.
So, you just waded on in
like John Wayne.
Why'd you do it?
What were you thinking, man?
- I don't know. I wasn't thinking.
- That's it? You sound like my students.
It just pissed me off.
I couldn't just watch him shoot
those people in front of me.