Patriot Games

- What the hell!
- Nobody move!

- Keep your hands off him.
- Get 'em up!

Kevin O'Donnell, IRA strategist,
friend of the Millers.

After Tim Miller was killed in '79,
he looked after Sean and Patrick.

This photo's recent. I think if we find
O'Donnell, Miller will be at his side.

- Are you with me, Jack?
- Yeah, just thinking.

- What about the gun?
- Think it's registered?

- Son of a bitch!
- What?

SO-13 gets an anonymous tip
about a bomb factory in a flat.

They get some IRA bad guys,
but realize the tip was a set-up.

We got three IRA hitmen
at a farm hit by somebody else.

That's British soldiers getting
out of hand. They're not above it.

No, look. We got IRA brigade
commander Jimmy O'Reardon.

He checks into a cheap hotel
and ends up shot in the head.

- That's how long after the farmhouse?
- Same day.

- Same day!
- What are you coming to, Jack?
