It's a long trip, you feel okay
I'm fine
It's you I'm worried about
If we can't fix your plumbing
We're stuck with the single child policy
for good
A boy or a girl in here, who knows
I'll be all right, don't worry
The doctor is a specialist
If he said I'll be fine, I'll be fine
It just takes a little while
It's not that simple
I'll talk to him when I'm back
Qiu Ju, have you eaten?
You two sit still
I'll get you some food
Is he in? Yes, yes, come
Auntie Qiu Ju
Is he in
Yes, he is
Some noodles? Have some noodles
have some noodles
I'll get you some noodles
I've eaten. You go ahead
Have some
I've eaten
Just a little
No, I've just eaten. It's cold
if it matters to you
Here's the medical report
Read it
Tell us what to do
Do what you want
Read it, Qiu Ju has brought it to you
What the hell had you know?