What sort to of letter
A complaint letter
How strongly worded you want it
What do you mean?
I could word it mildly
give both of your a way out
To back down if things got really rough
Or I could be merciless
leave no way out for him
He'd be done for
Oh no! Give him a chance to back down
Won't cost you much then
Twenty dollars will do
Twenty dollars
How could it be so expensive?
I've helped over a dozen people
win their cases
Like you, they wanted mild letters
Also written a total of
six merciless ones
The result? Four were shot
The other two got life sentences
I only asked for $20
It's not expensive at all
All right then
Good, tell me your case
The Chief has four daughters
Which means he's not only
let his ancestors down
He's also violated family planning policy
He cannot have a son
So he takes his frustrations out on us
My husband merely commented
that the Chief was raising hens
But the Chief heard hens
and insisted it meant his daughters
for that, he kicked my husband and
hurt him grievously
We cannot tolerate
this travesty of justice
The Chief is guilty of attempted murder
He must be punished
to the fullest extension
Who wrote this for you?
I asked someone
Paid $20 for it
Why didn't you write it yourself?
Haven't you been to school?
Been through secondary school
Couldn't write anything like this
Officer Li has dealt with this already
Why come to us